Sunday 13 April 2014

Easter around the World


In Germany, Easter is associated with traditional Easter eggs. One of the most deeply rooted traditions is that of the 'hunting Easter eggs', a game in which children seek decorated eggs leaving them hidden Easter Hare. Another of the most spectacular is the Easter tree or 'Osterbaum', consisting of decorated eggs hanging on the branches of a tree.

New Yorkers are big fans of street parades. Besides its famous parade of Thanksgiving Day, they also celebrate Easter with another street show. Occurs around Fifth Avenue in Manhattan and it is not as organized as its namesake Thanksgiving event: rather, people go there without disguise too clear plan. However, it has become one of the great events of the year in the city but has already been stripped of the religious character it had in its early years.
Braga, Portugal

Our Portuguese neighbors have a more similar to our celebrations, but also have their peculiarities. In Braga, takes place the procession of Ecce Homo, in which men dressed in robes walking around the city honking ratchets: these are called 'farricocos'.
Czech Republic

Easter in the Czech Republic has a more pagan than religious, because during the communist regime any celebration for spiritual banned. Still, this season is full of traditions. One of the most striking is the pomlázka, a thin rod of willow with the boys 'whip' the girls to bring good luck.
Sydney, Australia

The religious aspect is not very powerful in Australia, but that does not mean that Easter celebration is not there. The Sydney Royal Easter Show, with plans that include a display of pigs, sheep shearing tournament or other less rural as concerts and culinary competitions: In fact, at that time a major event-based agricultural customs of the country takes place in Sydney .

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